Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sacrifice For The Greater Good

                It never ceases that God finds a way to speak to my heart through a song. As it turns out this one broke through all my defenses. The walls walls that encircled my heart were no match this time. I was at work on my lunch break and I started watching music videos on phone. Well I came a across a song called The Car by Jeff Carson. I listened to it a few times and my heart began to ache. Lunch ended shortly thereafter and I hustled to the area I was working in to hide my face from my coworkers. The song was about the relationship between a father and a son. I've been working long hours with lots of overtime for quite awhile and God gave me a revelation. I saw my daddy in me. For the majority of my childhood my daddy wasn't home and never had much time to spend with us because he worked long hours and lots of overtime. There was times he never had a day off for months. As you can probably already tell I'm very close to my daddy. As anybody that knows us will tell you if you've met one then you've met the other. I saw   the decision my daddy had to make as parent that day. I realized my dad had to choose between providing for us or spending time with us and he did what he had to do. It really hit home for me because I'm doing exactly what he did. He sacrificed his time and himself to take care my momma, my brother, and me. He went to work in some of the dirtiest places doing the toughest jobs industrial construction has to offer. In the end he sacrificed his health. He ended up paralyzed at the age of 45 because the love he has for us. Praise God that He made it possible for him to walk again. I was at work trying to run what is called a seamwelder machine and all of those thoughts were swirling in my head as tears poured down my face. It really made me think if how much I missed getting to spend time with him. I felt a longing to just clock out and go see him but  like him bills have to be paid and there's got to be food on the table and that came first. Then another thought entered the back of my mind my heavenly Father reminded me that He was missing time with me even more so than my daddy. Jesus said in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends." God sacrificed His Son for all of mankind. He gave us His very best. I see the heavenly Father in my daddy. My daddy gave his all to doing the type of work he didn't enjoy doing to make sure I had clothes on my back, food to eat, and a place to sleep. The measure of a man is his heart. Not his wallet. How do you measure God? You can't. How do I know that? He's omniscient. He's everywhere all the time. In closing just remember to say a prayer of praise for your daddy. He's the only one you'll ever have. Lastly, lift up a prayer of thanks to the One who sent His Son to die for you. 

Have a wonderful day. God Bless