Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Few Heaven Sent Blessings

               I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
Philippians 1:3

            It's not everyday you meet someone who changes your life almost instantly. Just something about them strikes you differently. You are intrigued by them immediately and it remains a constant theme anytime you're in each others presence. You feel a special bond to them. That peaceful easy feeling that you don't around just anyone. They're your true friends. They're people whom God Himself set in your path to help keep your eyes and heart focused upon Jesus and the cross. That's the most important question in this life do you belong to Jesus? I have several friends who have been willing to stand my side and always show loving support. They have tried to help me keep on pressing toward the goal. Really I wouldn't just call them friends they're my extended family. 

           I remember listening to a sermon by Dr. Jerry Falwell and he mentions that a friend, a true friend is someone who walks in when the rest the rest of the world walks out. Granted your basis of support shouldn't just be your friends or family, we have to allow God to be that cornerstone. Jesus should be our best friend and the one we cling to the most. He should be number one but we still need to remember to give credit to those whom He blessed us with.

          Casey, I would like to begin with you. You and I have similar backgrounds. You're always a joy to be around. You help turn my ADHD into a humorous moment which always makes everyone cheer up that's with us, especially me. You're constant encouragement matched with your sense of humor always is refreshing.

           Pastor Steve Witt, my dear brother. You've been like a dad to me. The love you poured out upon my family before you even knew who we were and vise versa just exemplifies who Christ is. You took me under your wing and showed me more about being a follower of Jesus than I ever could have on my own. I just hope you're still proud of me and where God is taking me.

         Justin what can I say buddy. We have shared our most intimate secrets and struggles together. We have become pillars of strength and accountability partners for each other. I can always shoot you a text letting you know I could use a prayer and I know you will. You're my best guy friend except Jesus. Thanks brother.

        Mitch, I have had the pleasure of getting to know you and your family. I taught your oldest daughter in Sunday school. I know that poor child. You've been helping to strengthen me and keep me on the straight and narrow. Pushing me to grow and regain that passion for loving and serving Jesus. Thank you for what you've done thus far and what plans you have for helping me grow spiritually.

        Reverend Doctor Brian Horton you were a great friend and mentor. I miss you being at Fincastle. I miss being able to enjoy coffee together while wrangling preschoolers. You helped ignite a fire and a passion in me for children's ministry and there's nothing I'd rather do than be a children's pastor. I hope God continues to bless you and your family.

        To my second mom's Momma Lisa and Momma Long thank you for everything. Momma Lisa we've known each other for seven years now. Through an accident we were able to get to know each other. You really do make me feel like a son. You invited me to your church which immediately became my church home. We have had some much fun between work and church. I always look forward to seeing you and your hugs. You encouraged me through the worst times of my young life so far You will always get a Mother's Day card from me. You definitely earn it. Momma Long, I have been so very blessed to know you for four years. You didn't know what to think of me at first and I understand why. Getting to know you and your family has truly been a blessing. You actually let me date your oldest daughter twice and you still talk to me and always encourage me. You always give me Biblical counsel when I ask for it. You are truly incredible. 

         Lastly I conclude with the sweetest person I have ever known. Jenn you mean the world to me. I have always said I could write a book telling the world just how wonderful you are. This world is a better place because you're here. Thank you for everything you have done. You're an example of what a friend should be. Seeing the woman you're becoming in Christ amazes me. Reading your blog An Altogether Different Heart truly touched my heart. You understand ministry and how to love and serve Christ better than me by far. I don't know what all I can really say about you other than I wish you knew how blessed I am to have you in my life. I am eternally blessed. I thank God for you.