Saturday, September 1, 2018

Keeping It Between The Lines

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way that is easy leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many. For narrow is the gate and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few. (Matthew 7:13-14)

   I must say it's been a long time since I have had the inspiration to write but it feels good to open up and share what's on my heart. It's been a tough year dealing with all of the changes I have had to endure but I am so very blessed to know that the God of this universe is still by my side and He sent me a helper to hold onto in the good times as well as the tough times. More and more everyday I continue to see how God has blessed me. Tonight God used an old country song while I was giving my two babies a bath to remind me that all I need to do is keep it between the lines.

    Tonight was a not a normal night for me. Usually my sweet children get the tired daddy and the leftovers from what my job has taken from me. I got a little more sleep last night than usual and actually took a power nap with my toddler that fell asleep on my lap. For dinner my two youngest children headed to out about 5pm to go run a couple errands and grab dinner from Burger King. Of course you have snap a couple of photos with cardboard crowns on their heads. When we got home I grabbed the double stroller and took them for a walk around the neighborhood. Since it's a Saturday night my babies needed to be cleaned thoroughly before we go to church in the morning. I was in the mood for some old school country music. Not this junk they call country music today. I had an old favorite song called, "Keep It Between The Lines" by Ricky Van Shelton come across my Youtube feed on my phone. Of course like everyone else I started singing along and at the end of the song the lyrics struck me at the core of my being. 

    I remembered what Dr. Charles Stanley often says, "Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him." The lyrics brought tears to my eyes and I nearly cried. I just looked my two babies and thought how they look at me like I'm perfect and I can see in their sweet eyes that they look at me as their hero. Then I had a thought that's how God looks at us through His Son Jesus when we choose to believe in His death, burial, and resurrection. How my kids look at me melts my heart and it is humbling because I see myself next to the true measuring stick of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It's so hard to know that you're the measuring stick for your kids and when you look at yourself in the mirror you see all of your flaws and faults. Thank God for His saving grace and forgiveness because I know that if the way to heaven was based upon my good works I know that I wouldn't stand a chance. The lyrics in the song Keep it between the lines talks about walking with God essentially. Keeping it between the lines is walking in and meditating in His word will transform your life. I need to be a better example for my wonderful bride, our sweet children, and for everyone that God allows to cross my path. I've got a long way to go but as i run this race of faith it's a marathon. It's not a sprint. One thing that I am learning to do is cherish every moment with my kids. They are growing up so fast. They are changing day by day. Who you are and how you are living today might be how your kids remember you for the rest of your life. Your legacy is your children. Keep it in between lines because Jesus died because of His love for you. Keep it between the lines because you love wife/husband and you're supposed to demonstrate who Jesus is in the home. Keep it between the lines because you want your kids to grow up to love Jesus and be better person in society that what you were. Just remember that those little eyes are studying every move you make. I hope and pray that it honors God. It's getting late and I have children and a wife I take to Sunday morning worship. May God bless you all and goodnight.