Monday, February 3, 2014

This Crazy Little Thing Called Love

"Just as the Church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be subject to there husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her," Ephesians 5: 24-25

          Of all days for a football guy like me to writing a blog post is the night of the Super Bowl. Needless to say when God speaks I listen. Being Super Bowl Sunday I have to set my 5th grade Sunday School class up with quite a spread of goodies to celebrate. Needless to say I love my kids and getting to spoil them but I love how they listen when it's time for the lesson. Today's lesson was on the building of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament. Why was the Tabernacle built? Simply because God was wanting to dwell among His people. Why because He loved them. God chose to love them and manifest Himself to the rest of the world through them.

         Since Jesus came to die on the cross we now have a new covenant and God has chosen to manifest Himself in a new way. He now manifests Himself to us in our hearts. He wants to manifest Himself to the world through His children by us allowing His light to shine through us. How does this apply in the realms of dating and marriage relationships? You have to look closely at the mans' role in the relationship. 

         Jesus willing chose to go to the cross in order for all of mankind to be reconciled unto God. Jesus loved sacrificially even though some would reject Him. Jesus Himself said no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them. It is God's will that not any should perish but all have everlasting life. So now let's take a step back and look at the actions of Jesus before. Jesus paid our sin debt that we might be brought back into fellowship with the Father. We didn't do anything to earn it. It was a free gift. Now let's apply that to the man's role. The man should sacrificially love his wife or girlfriend and focus on taking care of her the same way Jesus does for Him. He is supposed to be the one to portray Christ's love in the relationship. Loving your wife or girlfriend requires action. It means to spend time with her and serving her.  It means investing in your woman. Where you spend your time and money determines what we has humans value. So what I am saying is this send your lady flowers, send her text or give her a call to let you know you're thinking of her, turn off the ball game to take the time to be relational and share your heart and events from your day, open the door and pull out her chair, and lastly do not be afraid to show that you have a sensitive side. If you tear up or even let one fall I promise it's not sappy. It's the old idea of chivalry with a modern twist. In order for a woman to want to submit to you as the man you have to be a man of Godly character. As men we to focus on our character and that should be what the woman in our lives says is the sexiest thing about us. We need to be men our ladies can respect. That's what we men need is to know our lady thinks we are respectable. If you really want to know what it means to love sit down and study 1 Corinthians 13 and see what Paul says about love. 

          Now ladies it is natural for y'all to love and that's why Paul didn't give you that commandment. In a relationship you are supposed to let the man pursue you. Jesus pursues us and made all the effort. In the same manor we respond to Jesus pursuing us you should respond to your man the same way.Salvation is a free gift and that is how a man is supposed to love you. A man is supposed to make the woman he loves want to pursue him and the man should make himself available to her to do so which requires time together. Now just so you know you shouldn't try to take advantage of your man's generosity because you are supposed to be submissive to your mans' leadership. If he loves you as the Bible says he should you have a man worthy of respect. Even if he's not a believer or isn't loving you right you still are supposed to submit yourself to him. It is easier when he loves you right to be submissive. If you have a man who genuinely loves you as Christ loves the church that should make you want to be submissive to him because He is living out God's word in your relationship. If a guy loves you with a God given love and is a gentleman always. What this means here in America is that your man opens the door, brings you flowers or has them sent to you at work. Now I will say if your man does show his feelings around you he is not sappy. Jesus showed his feeling and the Bible says He didn't just cry Jesus wept. It means he does the little things to show that you matter to him. It's okay if a guy tries to go the second mile for you all the time. Jesus tells us that we should go the second mile. Jesus preached that in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5:38-42. There's nothing wrong with a man trying to be the perfect guy. We are supposed to be striving to be the only perfect guy to exist. Just like you take the time to get to know Jesus take the time to invest in your man. Some guys will appreciate a letter in his lunch box, maybe making him his favorite food for dinner or if he works second shift surprise him at work with a hot cooked meal. I mean after all we are men and the way to our hearts is through our stomachs. It the little things that sweeten a relationship. It may mean going to a gun show or a ball game. It might require watching a NASCAR race despite how boring you think watching cars go around circles is.

          Lastly to both men and women I would like to say that don't let your relationships be one sided. If you feel like you can do more to make your relationship better take the time to do it. A better relationship between you and your significant other can begin today. If we began to love one another as Christ loves us how many marriages would be saved? How many couples would stop living in a state of resentment towards one another? I will say until you are born again believer and your sins have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ you do not know what love is. Until you have experienced His love you don't know what love really is. If you haven't begun with the Lord Jesus already will you consider it today? The Bible God's Holy Word says we can as sure of heaven as if we're there. If you want to know more about Jesus and heaven look me up on Facebook and I will talk to you gladly. My name is Mark Nicholas Mullins from Roanoke Virginia. I hope you have a great day. God Bless!!!! 


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